Project Brow: An update

Today I thought I’d give you all a little update on my eyebrows (don’t I spoil you). If you’ve been reading for a few months you will of seen my posts about Project Brow, and my plan to grow my eyebrows and have them full and lovely by the wedding. Well guess what. I grew my eyebrows, they were thick and groomed, and I hated them! I don’t mean I needed to get used to them, I genuinely hated them.


Even hiding behind the fluff ball Freddy I can’t disguise my big eyebrows!

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Something old, something new – I’m stuck and don’t know what to do!

Image courtesy of nuttakit via

Image courtesy of nuttakit via

I’m stuck and I need some help. I’ve been thinking through my wedding to-do list and I’ve hit a bit of a stumbling block. Old, new, borrowed and blue are all things that I want to feature in my wedding – but I don’t know where to start. Continue reading

Behind The Blog – a guest post on Confetti and Curves

Have you ever had a burning question that you’d love to ask me, or just want to know a little bit more about who’s behind March To The Aisle? Well today is your lucky day. I feel very privileged to be featured on Behind The Blog today over on Confetti and Curves. So go stop by and have a read then come back and fire away with any other questions you may have! And while you’re there don’t forget to read some posts and follow Confetti and Curves for a great mix of weddings, beauty tips and fashion and of course the exceptionally popular feature Behind The Blog, you might find a new read that you love!

Enjoy and have a wonderful Tuesday!
Dawn x

Wedding fairs – are they worth it?


Lee loves wedding fairs!

So here’s a topic that divides my friends and I, and is definitely a source of debate for many brides. Wedding fairs. What are they, should I go and more importantly are they worth the cost and time to attend.

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A Mexican proposal – one year on


A cocktail to celebrate our engagement

A year ago today was when I went from being a girlfriend to a fiancée. And in 6 months from today I’ll take the even bigger leap of going from fiancée to wife. This year has absolutely flown by. We’ve bought our first house together, started planning a wedding and put in place plans for a long happy future. I can’t quite believe that in 6 months I’ll be having my makeup done and getting ready to walk down the aisle to Lee, I know that day is going to be here in no time now. Today though I thought I’d share our proposal story, I just wish I could relive the moment my life changed in the best way possible.

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Wedding planning limbo


Dawn & Lee are getting married!

Over the past few weeks I’ve been catching up with lots of friends and family and their first question is always how are the wedding plans. Without thinking I’ve got a stock reply of ‘really well thanks, I think we’ve sorted all the big things’. It’s a phrase that just rolls off my tongue without thinking too much about what I’m saying, because in reality if I reeled off every wedding planning thought that’s currently going through my head they’d probably avoid me at all costs until after the big day. There’s a few close friends (and obviously my mum) that I’ll share the full inner workings of my mind with but I figure they can take it and won’t run a mile when I’m going through the room allocation dilemma (again).

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Review: Murad Pom-Power Pore Cleansing Facial


The warm and inviting Murad Beauty Room

For me a facial is one of the best forms of relaxation. You lie back, let someone else give your skin a fantastic cleanse and with any luck come out looking brighter and more rested. So I’m always looking to try out new treatments.

Today I decided to go for the Murad Pom-Power Pore Cleansing Facial. An express 30 minute treatment to cleanse and tone skin and leave it feeling refreshed.

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Sweating for the wedding

I have a confession to make. I haven’t been to the gym. I haven’t been to the gym in a really long time! And the totally daft thing about it is that I actually enjoy exercising. I’ve run 3 marathons, 4 half marathons and lots of 5 and 10ks, but because I’m not training for an event at the moment I seem to have let working out disappear from my routine and life.


3rd London Marathon complete and a PB!

This morning I read a post by Franny over on Frilly Pretty Things about getting fit, and I’ve got to say she’s inspired me to dust off my trainers and get my butt into the gym.

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My honeymoon wardrobe wish list

To say I’m excited that our honeymoon is booked is probably a bit of an understatement. I’m literally bouncing with excitement and there’s still 8 months to go! The flights and hotels are booked and we’ve got a sort of itinerary planned, which has made me start to think about what clothes I should be packing for a holiday of 3 parts.

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